Monday, September 24, 2012

A Healthier, Happier Me

Photo Credit Here

Almost three weeks since my self-proclaimed lifestyle change, I am starting to see changes in my body; AND I like what I am seeing. I have never felt this kind of drive and satisfaction ever.

You can just imagine my every way possible to get myself to lose weight. I have tried exercising, dieting, weight loss pills, you name it I almost certainly have tried it.

With this lifestyle change that I am doing, the results are fast and my hunger and cravings are more often than not, non-existent. Who wouldn't want that? Of course I am not talking about not having any miss and hit moments. There are. You cannot eat perfectly on a day-to-day basis, but YOU certainly can keep it under control.

I am into low calorie counting and at the same time low carbohydrate eating. Since I cook my own food, I can control and decide what to cook that I can eat without feeling guilty.

By choice, I eat mostly chicken, vegetables, almost no-fry policy, and just a LITTLE amount of carbs since you cannot really eliminate it. You need it for energy.

Since I did what I started doing, this so called lifestyle change, I can feel that I AM HAPPY. I feel Healthy. And this is not because of other people, but because of me. A choice I decided to choose and a path I decided to take.

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